Westover Hills Preschool follows the HighScope Curriculum which is research-based and child-focused, intentional in promoting “active participatory learning”.  Though not primarily academic in a traditional sense, the Preschool HighScope Curriculum focuses comprehensively on all areas of child development and reflects widely accepted practices in the field.  This curriculum meets all standards set forth by The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), as well as state core standards.  The HighScope model not only helps young children excel in language and cognitive learning,  but also promotes fundamental life skills such as independence, curiosity, decision making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem-solving.  Borrowing “best practices” from other preschool models, WHP will also integrate a Reggio-inspired, emergent curriculum into our work with children.  Preschoolers will be invited to explore many different types of materials and we will be more focused on “process than product”.

In addition to their regular half-day classroom programming, WHP students will also receive more focused Art and Music instruction once a week with designated resource staff and in classrooms specifically designed for this purpose.   Chapel will be attended monthly by our students and will be conducted by the WHUMC Pastor or other designated staff or church leader.  Children will explore themes that emphasize the sacred worth of each member of the human family, and our connectedness to and responsibility toward each other and all of creation.